| EquityOption (DateTimeOffset startDate=default(DateTimeOffset), DateTimeOffset optionMaturityDate=default(DateTimeOffset), DateTimeOffset optionSettlementDate=default(DateTimeOffset), string deliveryType=default(string), string optionType=default(string), decimal strike=default(decimal), string domCcy=default(string), string underlyingIdentifier=default(string), string code=default(string), string equityOptionType=default(string), decimal? numberOfShares=default(decimal?), Premium premium=default(Premium), string exerciseType=default(string), InstrumentTypeEnum instrumentType=default(InstrumentTypeEnum)) |
| Initializes a new instance of the EquityOption class. More...
override string | ToString () |
| Returns the string presentation of the object More...
override string | ToJson () |
| Returns the JSON string presentation of the object More...
override bool | Equals (object input) |
| Returns true if objects are equal More...
bool | Equals (EquityOption input) |
| Returns true if EquityOption instances are equal More...
override int | GetHashCode () |
| Gets the hash code More...
| LusidInstrument (InstrumentTypeEnum instrumentType=default(InstrumentTypeEnum)) |
| Initializes a new instance of the LusidInstrument class. More...
override string | ToString () |
| Returns the string presentation of the object More...
override bool | Equals (object input) |
| Returns true if objects are equal More...
bool | Equals (LusidInstrument input) |
| Returns true if LusidInstrument instances are equal More...
override int | GetHashCode () |
| Gets the hash code More...
DateTimeOffset | StartDate [get, set] |
| The start date of the instrument. This is normally synonymous with the trade-date. More...
DateTimeOffset | OptionMaturityDate [get, set] |
| The maturity date of the option. More...
DateTimeOffset | OptionSettlementDate [get, set] |
| The settlement date of the option. More...
string | DeliveryType [get, set] |
| Is the option cash settled or physical delivery of option Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Cash, Physical]. More...
string | OptionType [get, set] |
| Type of optionality for the option Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Call, Put]. More...
decimal | Strike [get, set] |
| The strike of the option. More...
string | DomCcy [get, set] |
| The domestic currency of the instrument. More...
string | UnderlyingIdentifier [get, set] |
| The market identifier type of the underlying code, e.g RIC. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [LusidInstrumentId, Isin, Sedol, Cusip, ClientInternal, Figi, RIC, QuotePermId, REDCode, BBGId, ICECode]. More...
string | Code [get, set] |
| The identifying code for the equity underlying, e.g. 'IBM.N'. More...
string | EquityOptionType [get, set] |
| Equity option types. E.g. Vanilla (default), RightsIssue, Warrant. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Vanilla, RightsIssue, Warrant]. More...
decimal? | NumberOfShares [get, set] |
| The amount of shares to exchange if the option is exercised. More...
Premium | Premium [get, set] |
| Gets or Sets Premium More...
string | ExerciseType [get, set] |
| Type of optionality that is present; European, American. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [European, American]. More...
InstrumentTypeEnum | InstrumentType [get, set] |
| The available values are: QuotedSecurity, InterestRateSwap, FxForward, Future, ExoticInstrument, FxOption, CreditDefaultSwap, InterestRateSwaption, Bond, EquityOption, FixedLeg, FloatingLeg, BespokeCashFlowsLeg, Unknown, TermDeposit, ContractForDifference, EquitySwap, CashPerpetual, CapFloor, CashSettled, CdsIndex, Basket, FundingLeg, FxSwap, ForwardRateAgreement, SimpleInstrument, Repo, Equity, ExchangeTradedOption, ReferenceInstrument, ComplexBond, InflationLinkedBond, InflationSwap, SimpleCashFlowLoan, TotalReturnSwap, InflationLeg, FundShareClass, FlexibleLoan, UnsettledCash, Cash, MasteredInstrument, LoanFacility More...
enum class | InstrumentTypeEnum {
QuotedSecurity = 1
, InterestRateSwap = 2
, FxForward = 3
, Future = 4
ExoticInstrument = 5
, FxOption = 6
, CreditDefaultSwap = 7
, InterestRateSwaption = 8
Bond = 9
, EquityOption = 10
, FixedLeg = 11
, FloatingLeg = 12
BespokeCashFlowsLeg = 13
, Unknown = 14
, TermDeposit = 15
, ContractForDifference = 16
EquitySwap = 17
, CashPerpetual = 18
, CapFloor = 19
, CashSettled = 20
CdsIndex = 21
, Basket = 22
, FundingLeg = 23
, FxSwap = 24
ForwardRateAgreement = 25
, SimpleInstrument = 26
, Repo = 27
, Equity = 28
ExchangeTradedOption = 29
, ReferenceInstrument = 30
, ComplexBond = 31
, InflationLinkedBond = 32
InflationSwap = 33
, SimpleCashFlowLoan = 34
, TotalReturnSwap = 35
, InflationLeg = 36
FundShareClass = 37
, FlexibleLoan = 38
, UnsettledCash = 39
, Cash = 40
MasteredInstrument = 41
, LoanFacility = 42
} |
| The available values are: QuotedSecurity, InterestRateSwap, FxForward, Future, ExoticInstrument, FxOption, CreditDefaultSwap, InterestRateSwaption, Bond, EquityOption, FixedLeg, FloatingLeg, BespokeCashFlowsLeg, Unknown, TermDeposit, ContractForDifference, EquitySwap, CashPerpetual, CapFloor, CashSettled, CdsIndex, Basket, FundingLeg, FxSwap, ForwardRateAgreement, SimpleInstrument, Repo, Equity, ExchangeTradedOption, ReferenceInstrument, ComplexBond, InflationLinkedBond, InflationSwap, SimpleCashFlowLoan, TotalReturnSwap, InflationLeg, FundShareClass, FlexibleLoan, UnsettledCash, Cash, MasteredInstrument, LoanFacility More...
LUSID representation of a plain vanilla OTC Equity Option.
string Lusid.Sdk.Model.EquityOption.EquityOptionType |
getset |
Equity option types. E.g. Vanilla (default), RightsIssue, Warrant. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Vanilla, RightsIssue, Warrant].
Equity option types. E.g. Vanilla (default), RightsIssue, Warrant. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Vanilla, RightsIssue, Warrant].
string Lusid.Sdk.Model.EquityOption.ExerciseType |
getset |
Type of optionality that is present; European, American. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [European, American].
Type of optionality that is present; European, American. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [European, American].
string Lusid.Sdk.Model.EquityOption.UnderlyingIdentifier |
getset |
The market identifier type of the underlying code, e.g RIC. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [LusidInstrumentId, Isin, Sedol, Cusip, ClientInternal, Figi, RIC, QuotePermId, REDCode, BBGId, ICECode].
The market identifier type of the underlying code, e.g RIC. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [LusidInstrumentId, Isin, Sedol, Cusip, ClientInternal, Figi, RIC, QuotePermId, REDCode, BBGId, ICECode].