| EquityOption (DateTimeOffset startDate=default(DateTimeOffset), DateTimeOffset optionMaturityDate=default(DateTimeOffset), DateTimeOffset? optionSettlementDate=default(DateTimeOffset?), string deliveryType=default(string), string optionType=default(string), decimal strike=default(decimal), string domCcy=default(string), string underlyingIdentifier=default(string), string code=default(string), string equityOptionType=default(string), decimal? numberOfShares=default(decimal?), Premium premium=default(Premium), string exerciseType=default(string), LusidInstrument underlying=default(LusidInstrument), int deliveryDays=default(int), string businessDayConvention=default(string), List< string > settlementCalendars=default(List< string >), InstrumentTypeEnum instrumentType=default(InstrumentTypeEnum)) |
| Initializes a new instance of the EquityOption class. More...
override string | ToString () |
| Returns the string presentation of the object More...
override string | ToJson () |
| Returns the JSON string presentation of the object More...
override bool | Equals (object input) |
| Returns true if objects are equal More...
bool | Equals (EquityOption input) |
| Returns true if EquityOption instances are equal More...
override int | GetHashCode () |
| Gets the hash code More...
| LusidInstrument (InstrumentTypeEnum instrumentType=default(InstrumentTypeEnum)) |
| Initializes a new instance of the LusidInstrument class. More...
override string | ToString () |
| Returns the string presentation of the object More...
override bool | Equals (object input) |
| Returns true if objects are equal More...
bool | Equals (LusidInstrument input) |
| Returns true if LusidInstrument instances are equal More...
override int | GetHashCode () |
| Gets the hash code More...
DateTimeOffset | StartDate [get, set] |
| The start date of the instrument. This is normally synonymous with the trade-date. More...
DateTimeOffset | OptionMaturityDate [get, set] |
| The maturity date of the option. More...
DateTimeOffset? | OptionSettlementDate [get, set] |
| The settlement date of the option. More...
string | DeliveryType [get, set] |
| Is the option cash settled or physical delivery of option Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Cash, Physical]. More...
string | OptionType [get, set] |
| Type of optionality for the option Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Call, Put]. More...
decimal | Strike [get, set] |
| The strike of the option. More...
string | DomCcy [get, set] |
| The domestic currency of the instrument. More...
string | UnderlyingIdentifier [get, set] |
| The market identifier type of the underlying code, e.g RIC. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [LusidInstrumentId, Isin, Sedol, Cusip, ClientInternal, Figi, RIC, QuotePermId, REDCode, BBGId, ICECode]. Optional field, should be used in combination with the Code field. Not compatible with the Underlying field. More...
string | Code [get, set] |
| The identifying code for the equity underlying, e.g. 'IBM.N'. Optional field, should be used in combination with the UnderlyingIdentifier field. Not compatible with the Underlying field. More...
string | EquityOptionType [get, set] |
| Equity option types. E.g. Vanilla (default), RightsIssue, Warrant. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Vanilla, RightsIssue, Warrant]. More...
decimal? | NumberOfShares [get, set] |
| The amount of shares to exchange if the option is exercised. More...
Premium | Premium [get, set] |
| Gets or Sets Premium More...
string | ExerciseType [get, set] |
| Type of optionality that is present; European, American. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [European, American]. More...
LusidInstrument | Underlying [get, set] |
| Gets or Sets Underlying More...
int | DeliveryDays [get, set] |
| Number of business days between exercise date and settlement of the option payoff or underlying. More...
string | BusinessDayConvention [get, set] |
| Business day convention for option exercise date to settlement date calculation. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [NoAdjustment, Previous, P, Following, F, ModifiedPrevious, MP, ModifiedFollowing, MF, HalfMonthModifiedFollowing, Nearest]. More...
List< string > | SettlementCalendars [get, set] |
| Holiday calendars for option exercise date to settlement date calculation. More...
InstrumentTypeEnum | InstrumentType [get, set] |
| The available values are: QuotedSecurity, InterestRateSwap, FxForward, Future, ExoticInstrument, FxOption, CreditDefaultSwap, InterestRateSwaption, Bond, EquityOption, FixedLeg, FloatingLeg, BespokeCashFlowsLeg, Unknown, TermDeposit, ContractForDifference, EquitySwap, CashPerpetual, CapFloor, CashSettled, CdsIndex, Basket, FundingLeg, FxSwap, ForwardRateAgreement, SimpleInstrument, Repo, Equity, ExchangeTradedOption, ReferenceInstrument, ComplexBond, InflationLinkedBond, InflationSwap, SimpleCashFlowLoan, TotalReturnSwap, InflationLeg, FundShareClass, FlexibleLoan, UnsettledCash, Cash, MasteredInstrument, LoanFacility, FlexibleDeposit More...
enum class | InstrumentTypeEnum {
QuotedSecurity = 1
, InterestRateSwap = 2
, FxForward = 3
, Future = 4
ExoticInstrument = 5
, FxOption = 6
, CreditDefaultSwap = 7
, InterestRateSwaption = 8
Bond = 9
, EquityOption = 10
, FixedLeg = 11
, FloatingLeg = 12
BespokeCashFlowsLeg = 13
, Unknown = 14
, TermDeposit = 15
, ContractForDifference = 16
EquitySwap = 17
, CashPerpetual = 18
, CapFloor = 19
, CashSettled = 20
CdsIndex = 21
, Basket = 22
, FundingLeg = 23
, FxSwap = 24
ForwardRateAgreement = 25
, SimpleInstrument = 26
, Repo = 27
, Equity = 28
ExchangeTradedOption = 29
, ReferenceInstrument = 30
, ComplexBond = 31
, InflationLinkedBond = 32
InflationSwap = 33
, SimpleCashFlowLoan = 34
, TotalReturnSwap = 35
, InflationLeg = 36
FundShareClass = 37
, FlexibleLoan = 38
, UnsettledCash = 39
, Cash = 40
MasteredInstrument = 41
, LoanFacility = 42
, FlexibleDeposit = 43
} |
| The available values are: QuotedSecurity, InterestRateSwap, FxForward, Future, ExoticInstrument, FxOption, CreditDefaultSwap, InterestRateSwaption, Bond, EquityOption, FixedLeg, FloatingLeg, BespokeCashFlowsLeg, Unknown, TermDeposit, ContractForDifference, EquitySwap, CashPerpetual, CapFloor, CashSettled, CdsIndex, Basket, FundingLeg, FxSwap, ForwardRateAgreement, SimpleInstrument, Repo, Equity, ExchangeTradedOption, ReferenceInstrument, ComplexBond, InflationLinkedBond, InflationSwap, SimpleCashFlowLoan, TotalReturnSwap, InflationLeg, FundShareClass, FlexibleLoan, UnsettledCash, Cash, MasteredInstrument, LoanFacility, FlexibleDeposit More...
LUSID representation of a plain vanilla OTC Equity Option.
string Lusid.Sdk.Model.EquityOption.BusinessDayConvention |
getset |
Business day convention for option exercise date to settlement date calculation. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [NoAdjustment, Previous, P, Following, F, ModifiedPrevious, MP, ModifiedFollowing, MF, HalfMonthModifiedFollowing, Nearest].
Business day convention for option exercise date to settlement date calculation. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [NoAdjustment, Previous, P, Following, F, ModifiedPrevious, MP, ModifiedFollowing, MF, HalfMonthModifiedFollowing, Nearest].
string Lusid.Sdk.Model.EquityOption.EquityOptionType |
getset |
Equity option types. E.g. Vanilla (default), RightsIssue, Warrant. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Vanilla, RightsIssue, Warrant].
Equity option types. E.g. Vanilla (default), RightsIssue, Warrant. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Vanilla, RightsIssue, Warrant].
string Lusid.Sdk.Model.EquityOption.UnderlyingIdentifier |
getset |
The market identifier type of the underlying code, e.g RIC. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [LusidInstrumentId, Isin, Sedol, Cusip, ClientInternal, Figi, RIC, QuotePermId, REDCode, BBGId, ICECode]. Optional field, should be used in combination with the Code field. Not compatible with the Underlying field.
The market identifier type of the underlying code, e.g RIC. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [LusidInstrumentId, Isin, Sedol, Cusip, ClientInternal, Figi, RIC, QuotePermId, REDCode, BBGId, ICECode]. Optional field, should be used in combination with the Code field. Not compatible with the Underlying field.