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Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync Interface Reference

Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints More...

Inheritance diagram for Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

BookTransactionsResponse BookTransactions (BookTransactionsRequest bookTransactionsRequest, bool? applyFeesAndCommission=default(bool?), bool? markOrdersAndAllocationsAsBooked=default(bool?), bool? usePreviewTransactionsForPricing=default(bool?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EXPERIMENTAL] BookTransactions: Books transactions using specific allocations as a source. More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< BookTransactionsResponseBookTransactionsWithHttpInfo (BookTransactionsRequest bookTransactionsRequest, bool? applyFeesAndCommission=default(bool?), bool? markOrdersAndAllocationsAsBooked=default(bool?), bool? usePreviewTransactionsForPricing=default(bool?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EXPERIMENTAL] BookTransactions: Books transactions using specific allocations as a source. More...
CancelOrdersResponse CancelOrders (Dictionary< string, ResourceId > requestBody, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] CancelOrders: Cancel existing orders More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< CancelOrdersResponseCancelOrdersWithHttpInfo (Dictionary< string, ResourceId > requestBody, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] CancelOrders: Cancel existing orders More...
CancelOrdersAndMoveRemainingResponse CancelOrdersAndMoveRemaining (Dictionary< string, CancelOrdersAndMoveRemainingRequest > requestBody, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] CancelOrdersAndMoveRemaining: Cancel existing orders and move any unplaced quantities to new orders in new blocks More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< CancelOrdersAndMoveRemainingResponseCancelOrdersAndMoveRemainingWithHttpInfo (Dictionary< string, CancelOrdersAndMoveRemainingRequest > requestBody, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] CancelOrdersAndMoveRemaining: Cancel existing orders and move any unplaced quantities to new orders in new blocks More...
CancelPlacementsResponse CancelPlacements (Dictionary< string, ResourceId > requestBody, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] CancelPlacements: Cancel existing placements More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< CancelPlacementsResponseCancelPlacementsWithHttpInfo (Dictionary< string, ResourceId > requestBody, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] CancelPlacements: Cancel existing placements More...
ResourceListOfBlockAndOrders CreateOrders (BlockAndOrdersCreateRequest blockAndOrdersCreateRequest, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] CreateOrders: Upsert a Block and associated orders More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< ResourceListOfBlockAndOrdersCreateOrdersWithHttpInfo (BlockAndOrdersCreateRequest blockAndOrdersCreateRequest, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] CreateOrders: Upsert a Block and associated orders More...
ResourceListOfChangeIntervalWithOrderManagementDetail GetOrderHistory (string scope, string code, DateTimeOffset? asAt=default(DateTimeOffset?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EXPERIMENTAL] GetOrderHistory: Get the history of an order and related entity changes More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< ResourceListOfChangeIntervalWithOrderManagementDetailGetOrderHistoryWithHttpInfo (string scope, string code, DateTimeOffset? asAt=default(DateTimeOffset?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EXPERIMENTAL] GetOrderHistory: Get the history of an order and related entity changes More...
ResourceListOfMovedOrderToDifferentBlockResponse MoveOrders (MoveOrdersToDifferentBlocksRequest moveOrdersToDifferentBlocksRequest, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] MoveOrders: Move orders to new or existing block More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< ResourceListOfMovedOrderToDifferentBlockResponseMoveOrdersWithHttpInfo (MoveOrdersToDifferentBlocksRequest moveOrdersToDifferentBlocksRequest, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] MoveOrders: Move orders to new or existing block More...
ResourceListOfPlacement PlaceBlocks (PlaceBlocksRequest? placeBlocksRequest=default(PlaceBlocksRequest?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] PlaceBlocks: Places blocks for a given list of placement requests. More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< ResourceListOfPlacementPlaceBlocksWithHttpInfo (PlaceBlocksRequest? placeBlocksRequest=default(PlaceBlocksRequest?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] PlaceBlocks: Places blocks for a given list of placement requests. More...
AllocationServiceRunResponse RunAllocationService (List< ResourceId > resourceId, string? allocationAlgorithm=default(string?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EXPERIMENTAL] RunAllocationService: Runs the Allocation Service More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< AllocationServiceRunResponseRunAllocationServiceWithHttpInfo (List< ResourceId > resourceId, string? allocationAlgorithm=default(string?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EXPERIMENTAL] RunAllocationService: Runs the Allocation Service More...
UpdateOrdersResponse UpdateOrders (Dictionary< string, OrderUpdateRequest > requestBody, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] UpdateOrders: Update existing orders More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< UpdateOrdersResponseUpdateOrdersWithHttpInfo (Dictionary< string, OrderUpdateRequest > requestBody, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] UpdateOrders: Update existing orders More...
UpdatePlacementsResponse UpdatePlacements (Dictionary< string, PlacementUpdateRequest > requestBody, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] UpdatePlacements: Update existing placements More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< UpdatePlacementsResponseUpdatePlacementsWithHttpInfo (Dictionary< string, PlacementUpdateRequest > requestBody, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] UpdatePlacements: Update existing placements More...

Detailed Description

Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints

Member Function Documentation

◆ BookTransactions()

BookTransactionsResponse Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.BookTransactions ( BookTransactionsRequest  bookTransactionsRequest,
bool?  applyFeesAndCommission = default(bool?),
bool?  markOrdersAndAllocationsAsBooked = default(bool?),
bool?  usePreviewTransactionsForPricing = default(bool?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EXPERIMENTAL] BookTransactions: Books transactions using specific allocations as a source.

Takes a collection of allocation IDs, and maps fields from those allocations and related orders onto new transactions.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
bookTransactionsRequestThe allocations to create transactions for
applyFeesAndCommissionWhether to apply fees and commissions to transactions (default: true) (optional, default to true)
markOrdersAndAllocationsAsBookedWhether to mark allocations and fully-booked orders with state Booked (optional, default to false)
usePreviewTransactionsForPricingWhether to use calculators for the transaction type to work out pricing fields on the booked transactions (optional, default to true)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ BookTransactionsWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<BookTransactionsResponse> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.BookTransactionsWithHttpInfo ( BookTransactionsRequest  bookTransactionsRequest,
bool?  applyFeesAndCommission = default(bool?),
bool?  markOrdersAndAllocationsAsBooked = default(bool?),
bool?  usePreviewTransactionsForPricing = default(bool?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EXPERIMENTAL] BookTransactions: Books transactions using specific allocations as a source.

Takes a collection of allocation IDs, and maps fields from those allocations and related orders onto new transactions.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
bookTransactionsRequestThe allocations to create transactions for
applyFeesAndCommissionWhether to apply fees and commissions to transactions (default: true) (optional, default to true)
markOrdersAndAllocationsAsBookedWhether to mark allocations and fully-booked orders with state Booked (optional, default to false)
usePreviewTransactionsForPricingWhether to use calculators for the transaction type to work out pricing fields on the booked transactions (optional, default to true)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of BookTransactionsResponse

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ CancelOrders()

CancelOrdersResponse Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.CancelOrders ( Dictionary< string, ResourceId requestBody,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] CancelOrders: Cancel existing orders

The response returns both the collection of successfully canceled orders, as well as those that failed. For each failure, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed set for unsuccessful results.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
requestBodyThe request containing the ids of the orders to be cancelled.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ CancelOrdersAndMoveRemaining()

CancelOrdersAndMoveRemainingResponse Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.CancelOrdersAndMoveRemaining ( Dictionary< string, CancelOrdersAndMoveRemainingRequest requestBody,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] CancelOrdersAndMoveRemaining: Cancel existing orders and move any unplaced quantities to new orders in new blocks

Cancels existing orders, reducing their quantities to those aleady placed. Any remaining quantities are moved to new orders in new blocks. The placed quantities are distributed to the cancelled orders on a pro-rata basis.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
requestBodyThe request containing the orders to be cancelled, and the destinations of remaining quantities.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ CancelOrdersAndMoveRemainingWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<CancelOrdersAndMoveRemainingResponse> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.CancelOrdersAndMoveRemainingWithHttpInfo ( Dictionary< string, CancelOrdersAndMoveRemainingRequest requestBody,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] CancelOrdersAndMoveRemaining: Cancel existing orders and move any unplaced quantities to new orders in new blocks

Cancels existing orders, reducing their quantities to those aleady placed. Any remaining quantities are moved to new orders in new blocks. The placed quantities are distributed to the cancelled orders on a pro-rata basis.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
requestBodyThe request containing the orders to be cancelled, and the destinations of remaining quantities.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of CancelOrdersAndMoveRemainingResponse

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ CancelOrdersWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<CancelOrdersResponse> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.CancelOrdersWithHttpInfo ( Dictionary< string, ResourceId requestBody,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] CancelOrders: Cancel existing orders

The response returns both the collection of successfully canceled orders, as well as those that failed. For each failure, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed set for unsuccessful results.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
requestBodyThe request containing the ids of the orders to be cancelled.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of CancelOrdersResponse

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ CancelPlacements()

CancelPlacementsResponse Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.CancelPlacements ( Dictionary< string, ResourceId requestBody,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] CancelPlacements: Cancel existing placements

The response returns both the collection of successfully canceled placements, as well as those that failed. For each failure, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed set for unsuccessful results.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
requestBodyThe request containing the ids of the placements to be cancelled.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ CancelPlacementsWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<CancelPlacementsResponse> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.CancelPlacementsWithHttpInfo ( Dictionary< string, ResourceId requestBody,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] CancelPlacements: Cancel existing placements

The response returns both the collection of successfully canceled placements, as well as those that failed. For each failure, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed set for unsuccessful results.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
requestBodyThe request containing the ids of the placements to be cancelled.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of CancelPlacementsResponse

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ CreateOrders()

ResourceListOfBlockAndOrders Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.CreateOrders ( BlockAndOrdersCreateRequest  blockAndOrdersCreateRequest,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] CreateOrders: Upsert a Block and associated orders

Upsert a Block and create associated orders. This will fail if the block exists and already references orders with differing fields to the upsert request.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
blockAndOrdersCreateRequestThe collection of block and orders requests.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ CreateOrdersWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<ResourceListOfBlockAndOrders> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.CreateOrdersWithHttpInfo ( BlockAndOrdersCreateRequest  blockAndOrdersCreateRequest,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] CreateOrders: Upsert a Block and associated orders

Upsert a Block and create associated orders. This will fail if the block exists and already references orders with differing fields to the upsert request.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
blockAndOrdersCreateRequestThe collection of block and orders requests.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of ResourceListOfBlockAndOrders

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ GetOrderHistory()

ResourceListOfChangeIntervalWithOrderManagementDetail Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.GetOrderHistory ( string  scope,
string  code,
DateTimeOffset?  asAt = default(DateTimeOffset?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EXPERIMENTAL] GetOrderHistory: Get the history of an order and related entity changes

Get the changes that have happened to an order and related entities.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
scopeThe scope of the order.
codeThe code of the order.
asAtThe asAt datetime at which to retrieve the history of the order and related entities. Defaults to return the latest version if not specified. (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ GetOrderHistoryWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<ResourceListOfChangeIntervalWithOrderManagementDetail> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.GetOrderHistoryWithHttpInfo ( string  scope,
string  code,
DateTimeOffset?  asAt = default(DateTimeOffset?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EXPERIMENTAL] GetOrderHistory: Get the history of an order and related entity changes

Get the changes that have happened to an order and related entities.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
scopeThe scope of the order.
codeThe code of the order.
asAtThe asAt datetime at which to retrieve the history of the order and related entities. Defaults to return the latest version if not specified. (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of ResourceListOfChangeIntervalWithOrderManagementDetail

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ MoveOrders()

ResourceListOfMovedOrderToDifferentBlockResponse Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.MoveOrders ( MoveOrdersToDifferentBlocksRequest  moveOrdersToDifferentBlocksRequest,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] MoveOrders: Move orders to new or existing block

Move an order to a block, creating the block if it does not already exist. This will fail if the block exists and already references orders with differing fields to the upsert request.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
moveOrdersToDifferentBlocksRequestThe collection of order and destination block ids.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ MoveOrdersWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<ResourceListOfMovedOrderToDifferentBlockResponse> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.MoveOrdersWithHttpInfo ( MoveOrdersToDifferentBlocksRequest  moveOrdersToDifferentBlocksRequest,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] MoveOrders: Move orders to new or existing block

Move an order to a block, creating the block if it does not already exist. This will fail if the block exists and already references orders with differing fields to the upsert request.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
moveOrdersToDifferentBlocksRequestThe collection of order and destination block ids.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of ResourceListOfMovedOrderToDifferentBlockResponse

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ PlaceBlocks()

ResourceListOfPlacement Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.PlaceBlocks ( PlaceBlocksRequest placeBlocksRequest = default(PlaceBlocksRequest?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] PlaceBlocks: Places blocks for a given list of placement requests.

The referenced block&#39;s existence will be verified.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
placeBlocksRequestThe request containing the blocks to the placed. (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ PlaceBlocksWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<ResourceListOfPlacement> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.PlaceBlocksWithHttpInfo ( PlaceBlocksRequest placeBlocksRequest = default(PlaceBlocksRequest?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] PlaceBlocks: Places blocks for a given list of placement requests.

The referenced block&#39;s existence will be verified.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
placeBlocksRequestThe request containing the blocks to the placed. (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of ResourceListOfPlacement

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ RunAllocationService()

AllocationServiceRunResponse Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.RunAllocationService ( List< ResourceId resourceId,
string?  allocationAlgorithm = default(string?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EXPERIMENTAL] RunAllocationService: Runs the Allocation Service

This will allocate executions for a given list of placements back to their originating orders.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
resourceIdThe List of Placement IDs for which you wish to allocate executions.
allocationAlgorithmA string representation of the allocation algorithm you would like to use to allocate shares from executions e.g. &quot;PR-FIFO&quot;. This defaults to &quot;PR-FIFO&quot;. (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ RunAllocationServiceWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<AllocationServiceRunResponse> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.RunAllocationServiceWithHttpInfo ( List< ResourceId resourceId,
string?  allocationAlgorithm = default(string?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EXPERIMENTAL] RunAllocationService: Runs the Allocation Service

This will allocate executions for a given list of placements back to their originating orders.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
resourceIdThe List of Placement IDs for which you wish to allocate executions.
allocationAlgorithmA string representation of the allocation algorithm you would like to use to allocate shares from executions e.g. &quot;PR-FIFO&quot;. This defaults to &quot;PR-FIFO&quot;. (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of AllocationServiceRunResponse

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ UpdateOrders()

UpdateOrdersResponse Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.UpdateOrders ( Dictionary< string, OrderUpdateRequest requestBody,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] UpdateOrders: Update existing orders

The response returns both the collection of successfully updated orders, as well as those that failed. For each failure, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed set for unsuccessful results.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
requestBodyThe request containing the orders to be updated.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ UpdateOrdersWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<UpdateOrdersResponse> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.UpdateOrdersWithHttpInfo ( Dictionary< string, OrderUpdateRequest requestBody,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] UpdateOrders: Update existing orders

The response returns both the collection of successfully updated orders, as well as those that failed. For each failure, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed set for unsuccessful results.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
requestBodyThe request containing the orders to be updated.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of UpdateOrdersResponse

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ UpdatePlacements()

UpdatePlacementsResponse Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.UpdatePlacements ( Dictionary< string, PlacementUpdateRequest requestBody,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] UpdatePlacements: Update existing placements

The response returns both the collection of successfully updated placements, as well as those that failed. For each failure, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed set for unsuccessful results.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
requestBodyThe request containing the placements to be updated.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

◆ UpdatePlacementsWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<UpdatePlacementsResponse> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderManagementApiSync.UpdatePlacementsWithHttpInfo ( Dictionary< string, PlacementUpdateRequest requestBody,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] UpdatePlacements: Update existing placements

The response returns both the collection of successfully updated placements, as well as those that failed. For each failure, a reason is provided. It is important to check the failed set for unsuccessful results.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
requestBodyThe request containing the placements to be updated.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of UpdatePlacementsResponse

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderManagementApi.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: