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Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderGraphApiSync Interface Reference

Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints More...

Inheritance diagram for Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderGraphApiSync:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphBlock ListOrderGraphBlocks (DateTimeOffset? asAt=default(DateTimeOffset?), string? paginationToken=default(string?), List< string >? sortBy=default(List< string >?), int? limit=default(int?), string? filter=default(string?), List< string >? propertyKeys=default(List< string >?), bool? useComplianceV2=default(bool?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 ListOrderGraphBlocks: Lists blocks that pass the filter provided, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities. More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphBlockListOrderGraphBlocksWithHttpInfo (DateTimeOffset? asAt=default(DateTimeOffset?), string? paginationToken=default(string?), List< string >? sortBy=default(List< string >?), int? limit=default(int?), string? filter=default(string?), List< string >? propertyKeys=default(List< string >?), bool? useComplianceV2=default(bool?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 ListOrderGraphBlocks: Lists blocks that pass the filter provided, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities. More...
PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphPlacement ListOrderGraphPlacementChildren (string scope, string code, DateTimeOffset? asAt=default(DateTimeOffset?), string? paginationToken=default(string?), List< string >? sortBy=default(List< string >?), int? limit=default(int?), List< string >? propertyKeys=default(List< string >?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] ListOrderGraphPlacementChildren: Lists all placements for the parent placement specified by the scope and code, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities. More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphPlacementListOrderGraphPlacementChildrenWithHttpInfo (string scope, string code, DateTimeOffset? asAt=default(DateTimeOffset?), string? paginationToken=default(string?), List< string >? sortBy=default(List< string >?), int? limit=default(int?), List< string >? propertyKeys=default(List< string >?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] ListOrderGraphPlacementChildren: Lists all placements for the parent placement specified by the scope and code, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities. More...
PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphPlacement ListOrderGraphPlacements (DateTimeOffset? asAt=default(DateTimeOffset?), string? paginationToken=default(string?), List< string >? sortBy=default(List< string >?), int? limit=default(int?), string? filter=default(string?), List< string >? propertyKeys=default(List< string >?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 ListOrderGraphPlacements: Lists placements that pass the filter provided, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities. More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphPlacementListOrderGraphPlacementsWithHttpInfo (DateTimeOffset? asAt=default(DateTimeOffset?), string? paginationToken=default(string?), List< string >? sortBy=default(List< string >?), int? limit=default(int?), string? filter=default(string?), List< string >? propertyKeys=default(List< string >?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 ListOrderGraphPlacements: Lists placements that pass the filter provided, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints

Member Function Documentation

◆ ListOrderGraphBlocks()

PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphBlock Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderGraphApiSync.ListOrderGraphBlocks ( DateTimeOffset?  asAt = default(DateTimeOffset?),
string?  paginationToken = default(string?),
List< string >?  sortBy = default(List< string >?),
int?  limit = default(int?),
string?  filter = default(string?),
List< string >?  propertyKeys = default(List< string >?),
bool?  useComplianceV2 = default(bool?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

ListOrderGraphBlocks: Lists blocks that pass the filter provided, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities.

Lists all blocks of orders, subject to the filter, along with the IDs of orders, placements, allocations and executions in the block, the total quantities of each, and a simple text field describing the overall state.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
asAtSee (optional)
paginationTokenSee (optional)
sortByA list of field names or properties to sort by, each suffixed by &quot; ASC&quot; or &quot; DESC&quot;. (optional)
limitSee (optional)
filterSee (optional, default to "")
propertyKeysMust be block-level properties. See (optional)
useComplianceV2Whether to use the V2 compliance engine when deriving compliance statuses for orders. (default: false) (optional, default to false)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderGraphApi.

◆ ListOrderGraphBlocksWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphBlock> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderGraphApiSync.ListOrderGraphBlocksWithHttpInfo ( DateTimeOffset?  asAt = default(DateTimeOffset?),
string?  paginationToken = default(string?),
List< string >?  sortBy = default(List< string >?),
int?  limit = default(int?),
string?  filter = default(string?),
List< string >?  propertyKeys = default(List< string >?),
bool?  useComplianceV2 = default(bool?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

ListOrderGraphBlocks: Lists blocks that pass the filter provided, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities.

Lists all blocks of orders, subject to the filter, along with the IDs of orders, placements, allocations and executions in the block, the total quantities of each, and a simple text field describing the overall state.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
asAtSee (optional)
paginationTokenSee (optional)
sortByA list of field names or properties to sort by, each suffixed by &quot; ASC&quot; or &quot; DESC&quot;. (optional)
limitSee (optional)
filterSee (optional, default to "")
propertyKeysMust be block-level properties. See (optional)
useComplianceV2Whether to use the V2 compliance engine when deriving compliance statuses for orders. (default: false) (optional, default to false)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphBlock

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderGraphApi.

◆ ListOrderGraphPlacementChildren()

PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphPlacement Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderGraphApiSync.ListOrderGraphPlacementChildren ( string  scope,
string  code,
DateTimeOffset?  asAt = default(DateTimeOffset?),
string?  paginationToken = default(string?),
List< string >?  sortBy = default(List< string >?),
int?  limit = default(int?),
List< string >?  propertyKeys = default(List< string >?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] ListOrderGraphPlacementChildren: Lists all placements for the parent placement specified by the scope and code, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities.

Lists all child order placements, for the specified parent placement, along with the IDs of the block and order that the placement is for, each placement&#39;s quantity, the IDs of all allocations and executions in the placement and the total quantities of those, and a simple text field describing the overall state of the placement.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
scopeThe parent placement&#39;s scope
codeThe parent placement&#39;s code
asAtSee (optional)
paginationTokenSee (optional)
sortByOrder the results by these fields. Use use the &#39;-&#39; sign to denote descending order e.g. -MyFieldName. (optional)
limitSee (optional)
propertyKeysMust be placement properties. See (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderGraphApi.

◆ ListOrderGraphPlacementChildrenWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphPlacement> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderGraphApiSync.ListOrderGraphPlacementChildrenWithHttpInfo ( string  scope,
string  code,
DateTimeOffset?  asAt = default(DateTimeOffset?),
string?  paginationToken = default(string?),
List< string >?  sortBy = default(List< string >?),
int?  limit = default(int?),
List< string >?  propertyKeys = default(List< string >?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] ListOrderGraphPlacementChildren: Lists all placements for the parent placement specified by the scope and code, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities.

Lists all child order placements, for the specified parent placement, along with the IDs of the block and order that the placement is for, each placement&#39;s quantity, the IDs of all allocations and executions in the placement and the total quantities of those, and a simple text field describing the overall state of the placement.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
scopeThe parent placement&#39;s scope
codeThe parent placement&#39;s code
asAtSee (optional)
paginationTokenSee (optional)
sortByOrder the results by these fields. Use use the &#39;-&#39; sign to denote descending order e.g. -MyFieldName. (optional)
limitSee (optional)
propertyKeysMust be placement properties. See (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphPlacement

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderGraphApi.

◆ ListOrderGraphPlacements()

PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphPlacement Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderGraphApiSync.ListOrderGraphPlacements ( DateTimeOffset?  asAt = default(DateTimeOffset?),
string?  paginationToken = default(string?),
List< string >?  sortBy = default(List< string >?),
int?  limit = default(int?),
string?  filter = default(string?),
List< string >?  propertyKeys = default(List< string >?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

ListOrderGraphPlacements: Lists placements that pass the filter provided, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities.

Lists all order placements, subject to the filter, along with the IDs of the block and order that the placement is for, each placement&#39;s quantity, the IDs of all allocations and executions in the placement and the total quantities of those, and a simple text field describing the overall state of the placement.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
asAtSee (optional)
paginationTokenSee (optional)
sortByA list of field names or properties to sort by, each suffixed by &quot; ASC&quot; or &quot; DESC&quot;. (optional)
limitSee (optional)
filterSee (optional, default to "")
propertyKeysMust be placement properties. See (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderGraphApi.

◆ ListOrderGraphPlacementsWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphPlacement> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IOrderGraphApiSync.ListOrderGraphPlacementsWithHttpInfo ( DateTimeOffset?  asAt = default(DateTimeOffset?),
string?  paginationToken = default(string?),
List< string >?  sortBy = default(List< string >?),
int?  limit = default(int?),
string?  filter = default(string?),
List< string >?  propertyKeys = default(List< string >?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

ListOrderGraphPlacements: Lists placements that pass the filter provided, and builds a summary picture of the state of their associated order entities.

Lists all order placements, subject to the filter, along with the IDs of the block and order that the placement is for, each placement&#39;s quantity, the IDs of all allocations and executions in the placement and the total quantities of those, and a simple text field describing the overall state of the placement.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
asAtSee (optional)
paginationTokenSee (optional)
sortByA list of field names or properties to sort by, each suffixed by &quot; ASC&quot; or &quot; DESC&quot;. (optional)
limitSee (optional)
filterSee (optional, default to "")
propertyKeysMust be placement properties. See (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of PagedResourceListOfOrderGraphPlacement

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.OrderGraphApi.

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