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Lusid.Sdk.Api.IExecutionsApiSync Interface Reference

Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints More...

Inheritance diagram for Lusid.Sdk.Api.IExecutionsApiSync:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

DeletedEntityResponse DeleteExecution (string scope, string code, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteExecution: Delete execution More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< DeletedEntityResponseDeleteExecutionWithHttpInfo (string scope, string code, int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteExecution: Delete execution More...
Execution GetExecution (string scope, string code, DateTimeOffset? asAt=default(DateTimeOffset?), List< string >? propertyKeys=default(List< string >?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] GetExecution: Get Execution More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< ExecutionGetExecutionWithHttpInfo (string scope, string code, DateTimeOffset? asAt=default(DateTimeOffset?), List< string >? propertyKeys=default(List< string >?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 [EARLY ACCESS] GetExecution: Get Execution More...
PagedResourceListOfExecution ListExecutions (DateTimeOffset? asAt=default(DateTimeOffset?), string? page=default(string?), List< string >? sortBy=default(List< string >?), int? limit=default(int?), string? filter=default(string?), List< string >? propertyKeys=default(List< string >?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 ListExecutions: List Executions More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< PagedResourceListOfExecutionListExecutionsWithHttpInfo (DateTimeOffset? asAt=default(DateTimeOffset?), string? page=default(string?), List< string >? sortBy=default(List< string >?), int? limit=default(int?), string? filter=default(string?), List< string >? propertyKeys=default(List< string >?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 ListExecutions: List Executions More...
ResourceListOfExecution UpsertExecutions (ExecutionSetRequest? executionSetRequest=default(ExecutionSetRequest?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 UpsertExecutions: Upsert Execution More...
Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse< ResourceListOfExecutionUpsertExecutionsWithHttpInfo (ExecutionSetRequest? executionSetRequest=default(ExecutionSetRequest?), int operationIndex=0, ConfigurationOptions? opts=null)
 UpsertExecutions: Upsert Execution More...

Detailed Description

Represents a collection of functions to interact with the API endpoints

Member Function Documentation

◆ DeleteExecution()

DeletedEntityResponse Lusid.Sdk.Api.IExecutionsApiSync.DeleteExecution ( string  scope,
string  code,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] DeleteExecution: Delete execution

Delete an execution. Deletion will be valid from the execution&#39;s creation datetime. This means that the execution will no longer exist at any effective datetime from the asAt datetime of deletion.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
scopeThe execution scope.
codeThe execution&#39;s code. This, together with the scope uniquely identifies the execution to delete.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.ExecutionsApi.

◆ DeleteExecutionWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<DeletedEntityResponse> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IExecutionsApiSync.DeleteExecutionWithHttpInfo ( string  scope,
string  code,
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] DeleteExecution: Delete execution

Delete an execution. Deletion will be valid from the execution&#39;s creation datetime. This means that the execution will no longer exist at any effective datetime from the asAt datetime of deletion.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
scopeThe execution scope.
codeThe execution&#39;s code. This, together with the scope uniquely identifies the execution to delete.
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of DeletedEntityResponse

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.ExecutionsApi.

◆ GetExecution()

Execution Lusid.Sdk.Api.IExecutionsApiSync.GetExecution ( string  scope,
string  code,
DateTimeOffset?  asAt = default(DateTimeOffset?),
List< string >?  propertyKeys = default(List< string >?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] GetExecution: Get Execution

Fetch a Execution that matches the specified identifier

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
scopeThe scope to which the execution belongs.
codeThe execution&#39;s unique identifier.
asAtThe asAt datetime at which to retrieve the execution. Defaults to return the latest version of the execution if not specified. (optional)
propertyKeysA list of property keys from the &quot;Execution&quot; domain to decorate onto the execution. These take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code} e.g. &quot;Execution/system/Name&quot;. (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.ExecutionsApi.

◆ GetExecutionWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<Execution> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IExecutionsApiSync.GetExecutionWithHttpInfo ( string  scope,
string  code,
DateTimeOffset?  asAt = default(DateTimeOffset?),
List< string >?  propertyKeys = default(List< string >?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

[EARLY ACCESS] GetExecution: Get Execution

Fetch a Execution that matches the specified identifier

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
scopeThe scope to which the execution belongs.
codeThe execution&#39;s unique identifier.
asAtThe asAt datetime at which to retrieve the execution. Defaults to return the latest version of the execution if not specified. (optional)
propertyKeysA list of property keys from the &quot;Execution&quot; domain to decorate onto the execution. These take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code} e.g. &quot;Execution/system/Name&quot;. (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of Execution

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.ExecutionsApi.

◆ ListExecutions()

PagedResourceListOfExecution Lusid.Sdk.Api.IExecutionsApiSync.ListExecutions ( DateTimeOffset?  asAt = default(DateTimeOffset?),
string?  page = default(string?),
List< string >?  sortBy = default(List< string >?),
int?  limit = default(int?),
string?  filter = default(string?),
List< string >?  propertyKeys = default(List< string >?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

ListExecutions: List Executions

Fetch the last pre-AsAt date version of each execution in scope (does not fetch the entire history).

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
asAtThe asAt datetime at which to retrieve the execution. Defaults to return the latest version of the execution if not specified. (optional)
pageThe pagination token to use to continue listing execution from a previous call to list executions. This value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided the sortBy, filter, effectiveAt, and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request. (optional)
sortByA list of field names or properties to sort by, each suffixed by &quot; ASC&quot; or &quot; DESC&quot;. (optional)
limitWhen paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. (optional)
filterExpression to filter the result set. Read more about filtering results from LUSID here: (optional)
propertyKeysA list of property keys from the &quot;Execution&quot; domain to decorate onto each execution. These take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code} e.g. &quot;Execution/system/Name&quot;. (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.ExecutionsApi.

◆ ListExecutionsWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<PagedResourceListOfExecution> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IExecutionsApiSync.ListExecutionsWithHttpInfo ( DateTimeOffset?  asAt = default(DateTimeOffset?),
string?  page = default(string?),
List< string >?  sortBy = default(List< string >?),
int?  limit = default(int?),
string?  filter = default(string?),
List< string >?  propertyKeys = default(List< string >?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

ListExecutions: List Executions

Fetch the last pre-AsAt date version of each execution in scope (does not fetch the entire history).

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
asAtThe asAt datetime at which to retrieve the execution. Defaults to return the latest version of the execution if not specified. (optional)
pageThe pagination token to use to continue listing execution from a previous call to list executions. This value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided the sortBy, filter, effectiveAt, and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request. (optional)
sortByA list of field names or properties to sort by, each suffixed by &quot; ASC&quot; or &quot; DESC&quot;. (optional)
limitWhen paginating, limit the number of returned results to this many. (optional)
filterExpression to filter the result set. Read more about filtering results from LUSID here: (optional)
propertyKeysA list of property keys from the &quot;Execution&quot; domain to decorate onto each execution. These take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code} e.g. &quot;Execution/system/Name&quot;. (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of PagedResourceListOfExecution

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.ExecutionsApi.

◆ UpsertExecutions()

ResourceListOfExecution Lusid.Sdk.Api.IExecutionsApiSync.UpsertExecutions ( ExecutionSetRequest executionSetRequest = default(ExecutionSetRequest?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

UpsertExecutions: Upsert Execution

Upsert; update existing executions with given ids, or create new executions otherwise.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
executionSetRequestThe collection of execution requests. (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.ExecutionsApi.

◆ UpsertExecutionsWithHttpInfo()

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiResponse<ResourceListOfExecution> Lusid.Sdk.Api.IExecutionsApiSync.UpsertExecutionsWithHttpInfo ( ExecutionSetRequest executionSetRequest = default(ExecutionSetRequest?),
int  operationIndex = 0,
ConfigurationOptions opts = null 

UpsertExecutions: Upsert Execution

Upsert; update existing executions with given ids, or create new executions otherwise.

Lusid.Sdk.Client.ApiExceptionThrown when fails to make API call
executionSetRequestThe collection of execution requests. (optional)
operationIndexIndex associated with the operation.
optsOptions for this request.
ApiResponse of ResourceListOfExecution

Implemented in Lusid.Sdk.Api.ExecutionsApi.

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