| OptionExercisePhysicalEvent (DateTimeOffset? exerciseDate=default(DateTimeOffset?), DateTimeOffset? deliveryDate=default(DateTimeOffset?), string exerciseType=default(string), DateTimeOffset maturityDate=default(DateTimeOffset), string moneyness=default(string), NewInstrument newInstrument=default(NewInstrument), List< OptionExerciseElection > optionExerciseElections=default(List< OptionExerciseElection >), string optionType=default(string), DateTimeOffset startDate=default(DateTimeOffset), string strikeCurrency=default(string), decimal strikePerUnit=default(decimal), decimal? underlyingValuePerUnit=default(decimal?), UnitsRatio unitsRatio=default(UnitsRatio), InstrumentEventTypeEnum instrumentEventType=default(InstrumentEventTypeEnum)) |
| Initializes a new instance of the OptionExercisePhysicalEvent class. More...
override string | ToString () |
| Returns the string presentation of the object More...
override string | ToJson () |
| Returns the JSON string presentation of the object More...
override bool | Equals (object input) |
| Returns true if objects are equal More...
bool | Equals (OptionExercisePhysicalEvent input) |
| Returns true if OptionExercisePhysicalEvent instances are equal More...
override int | GetHashCode () |
| Gets the hash code More...
| InstrumentEvent (InstrumentEventTypeEnum instrumentEventType=default(InstrumentEventTypeEnum)) |
| Initializes a new instance of the InstrumentEvent class. More...
override string | ToString () |
| Returns the string presentation of the object More...
override bool | Equals (object input) |
| Returns true if objects are equal More...
bool | Equals (InstrumentEvent input) |
| Returns true if InstrumentEvent instances are equal More...
override int | GetHashCode () |
| Gets the hash code More...
DateTimeOffset? | ExerciseDate [get, set] |
| The exercise date of the option. More...
DateTimeOffset? | DeliveryDate [get, set] |
| The delivery date of the option. More...
string | ExerciseType [get, set] |
| The optionality type of the underlying option e.g. American, European. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [European, Bermudan, American]. More...
DateTimeOffset | MaturityDate [get, set] |
| The maturity date of the option. More...
string | Moneyness [get, set] |
| The moneyness of the option e.g. InTheMoney, OutOfTheMoney. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [InTheMoney, OutOfTheMoney, AtTheMoney]. More...
NewInstrument | NewInstrument [get, set] |
| Gets or Sets NewInstrument More...
List< OptionExerciseElection > | OptionExerciseElections [get, set] |
| Option exercise election for this OptionExercisePhysicalEvent. More...
string | OptionType [get, set] |
| Type of optionality that is present e.g. call, put. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Call, Put]. More...
DateTimeOffset | StartDate [get, set] |
| The trade date of the option. More...
string | StrikeCurrency [get, set] |
| The strike currency of the equity option. More...
decimal | StrikePerUnit [get, set] |
| The strike of the equity option times the number of shares to exchange if exercised. More...
decimal? | UnderlyingValuePerUnit [get, set] |
| The underlying price times the number of shares to exchange if exercised. More...
UnitsRatio | UnitsRatio [get, set] |
| Gets or Sets UnitsRatio More...
InstrumentEventTypeEnum | InstrumentEventType [get, set] |
| The Type of Event. The available values are: TransitionEvent, InformationalEvent, OpenEvent, CloseEvent, StockSplitEvent, BondDefaultEvent, CashDividendEvent, AmortisationEvent, CashFlowEvent, ExerciseEvent, ResetEvent, TriggerEvent, RawVendorEvent, InformationalErrorEvent, BondCouponEvent, DividendReinvestmentEvent, AccumulationEvent, BondPrincipalEvent, DividendOptionEvent, MaturityEvent, FxForwardSettlementEvent, ExpiryEvent, ScripDividendEvent, StockDividendEvent, ReverseStockSplitEvent, CapitalDistributionEvent, SpinOffEvent, MergerEvent, FutureExpiryEvent, SwapCashFlowEvent, SwapPrincipalEvent, CreditPremiumCashFlowEvent, CdsCreditEvent, CdxCreditEvent, MbsCouponEvent, MbsPrincipalEvent, BonusIssueEvent, MbsPrincipalWriteOffEvent, MbsInterestDeferralEvent, MbsInterestShortfallEvent, TenderEvent, CallOnIntermediateSecuritiesEvent, IntermediateSecuritiesDistributionEvent, OptionExercisePhysicalEvent, OptionExerciseCashEvent, ProtectionPayoutCashFlowEvent, TermDepositInterestEvent, TermDepositPrincipalEvent, EarlyRedemptionEvent, FutureMarkToMarketEvent, AdjustGlobalCommitmentEvent, ContractInitialisationEvent, DrawdownEvent, LoanInterestRepaymentEvent, UpdateDepositAmountEvent, LoanPrincipalRepaymentEvent, DepositInterestPaymentEvent, DepositCloseEvent More...
enum class | InstrumentEventTypeEnum {
TransitionEvent = 1
, InformationalEvent = 2
, OpenEvent = 3
, CloseEvent = 4
StockSplitEvent = 5
, BondDefaultEvent = 6
, CashDividendEvent = 7
, AmortisationEvent = 8
CashFlowEvent = 9
, ExerciseEvent = 10
, ResetEvent = 11
, TriggerEvent = 12
RawVendorEvent = 13
, InformationalErrorEvent = 14
, BondCouponEvent = 15
, DividendReinvestmentEvent = 16
AccumulationEvent = 17
, BondPrincipalEvent = 18
, DividendOptionEvent = 19
, MaturityEvent = 20
FxForwardSettlementEvent = 21
, ExpiryEvent = 22
, ScripDividendEvent = 23
, StockDividendEvent = 24
ReverseStockSplitEvent = 25
, CapitalDistributionEvent = 26
, SpinOffEvent = 27
, MergerEvent = 28
FutureExpiryEvent = 29
, SwapCashFlowEvent = 30
, SwapPrincipalEvent = 31
, CreditPremiumCashFlowEvent = 32
CdsCreditEvent = 33
, CdxCreditEvent = 34
, MbsCouponEvent = 35
, MbsPrincipalEvent = 36
BonusIssueEvent = 37
, MbsPrincipalWriteOffEvent = 38
, MbsInterestDeferralEvent = 39
, MbsInterestShortfallEvent = 40
TenderEvent = 41
, CallOnIntermediateSecuritiesEvent = 42
, IntermediateSecuritiesDistributionEvent = 43
, OptionExercisePhysicalEvent = 44
OptionExerciseCashEvent = 45
, ProtectionPayoutCashFlowEvent = 46
, TermDepositInterestEvent = 47
, TermDepositPrincipalEvent = 48
EarlyRedemptionEvent = 49
, FutureMarkToMarketEvent = 50
, AdjustGlobalCommitmentEvent = 51
, ContractInitialisationEvent = 52
DrawdownEvent = 53
, LoanInterestRepaymentEvent = 54
, UpdateDepositAmountEvent = 55
, LoanPrincipalRepaymentEvent = 56
DepositInterestPaymentEvent = 57
, DepositCloseEvent = 58
} |
| The Type of Event. The available values are: TransitionEvent, InformationalEvent, OpenEvent, CloseEvent, StockSplitEvent, BondDefaultEvent, CashDividendEvent, AmortisationEvent, CashFlowEvent, ExerciseEvent, ResetEvent, TriggerEvent, RawVendorEvent, InformationalErrorEvent, BondCouponEvent, DividendReinvestmentEvent, AccumulationEvent, BondPrincipalEvent, DividendOptionEvent, MaturityEvent, FxForwardSettlementEvent, ExpiryEvent, ScripDividendEvent, StockDividendEvent, ReverseStockSplitEvent, CapitalDistributionEvent, SpinOffEvent, MergerEvent, FutureExpiryEvent, SwapCashFlowEvent, SwapPrincipalEvent, CreditPremiumCashFlowEvent, CdsCreditEvent, CdxCreditEvent, MbsCouponEvent, MbsPrincipalEvent, BonusIssueEvent, MbsPrincipalWriteOffEvent, MbsInterestDeferralEvent, MbsInterestShortfallEvent, TenderEvent, CallOnIntermediateSecuritiesEvent, IntermediateSecuritiesDistributionEvent, OptionExercisePhysicalEvent, OptionExerciseCashEvent, ProtectionPayoutCashFlowEvent, TermDepositInterestEvent, TermDepositPrincipalEvent, EarlyRedemptionEvent, FutureMarkToMarketEvent, AdjustGlobalCommitmentEvent, ContractInitialisationEvent, DrawdownEvent, LoanInterestRepaymentEvent, UpdateDepositAmountEvent, LoanPrincipalRepaymentEvent, DepositInterestPaymentEvent, DepositCloseEvent More...
Event for physical option exercises.
string Lusid.Sdk.Model.OptionExercisePhysicalEvent.ExerciseType |
getset |
The optionality type of the underlying option e.g. American, European. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [European, Bermudan, American].
The optionality type of the underlying option e.g. American, European. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [European, Bermudan, American].
string Lusid.Sdk.Model.OptionExercisePhysicalEvent.Moneyness |
getset |
The moneyness of the option e.g. InTheMoney, OutOfTheMoney. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [InTheMoney, OutOfTheMoney, AtTheMoney].
The moneyness of the option e.g. InTheMoney, OutOfTheMoney. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [InTheMoney, OutOfTheMoney, AtTheMoney].
string Lusid.Sdk.Model.OptionExercisePhysicalEvent.OptionType |
getset |
Type of optionality that is present e.g. call, put. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Call, Put].
Type of optionality that is present e.g. call, put. Supported string (enumeration) values are: [Call, Put].